Tuesday, January 31, 2012

we're having ANOTHER baby!

Yep, baby #2 is on the way...well, not until August. Stephen and I are so excited, and so is Miss Bella...I think. She doesn't understand yet that she's going to be a BIG sister. It even looks weird when I write that because Bella is my baaaaby, she's so little and so sweet, I can't imagine how much older she's going to look once we have a newborn in the house again!

So back in December I woke up one Wednesday morning and decided, "I think I should take a pregnancy test"...considering it took Stephen and I a very long 10 months to get pregnant with Isabella, I thought that there was no way that it could be possible and happen that quickly...wellllll, 3 large glasses of water, 4 pregnancy tests and $40 later (the cost of the test) - I saw 4 (+) signs and I just remember staring at them for 5 minutes thinking there's no way!! I wanted to wait to tell Stephen on Christmas morning, but when I have something that I am trying to keep a secret, it's impossible for me NOT to share (just ask my friends)...so I waited about 4 hours and told him later that night! ha! His reaction was priceless- the look on his face was so cute and the first thing he said was, "I get to have 2 babies?!"

I am currently 10 weeks along and the baby is doing great. We get to go back on Friday to listen to the heartbeat for the very first time...that is the one sound that I can listen to ALLLLL day long.

I feel like I have lots to catch up on, especially about Bella! Everyday that child amazes me more and more. She's talking (little words here and there)....her favorite is "uh ohhhh" which usually means that she has either:
1. taken everything out of my purse
2. taken all of the wipes out of the wipes case
3. switched the TV in AV mode and I have to sit and figure out how to get it back to the correct channel
4. thrown all of her gold fish (crackers) on the floor
5. unrolled all of the toilet paper off of the roll and ribbon dance through the living room

6-100...as you can tell, we are very busy these days chasing around a 1 year old!

This was our announcement on Facebook - seriously though, how adorable is Bella?!

and this is what we have in the oven....

and here's a couple more of Bella just for fun!