Last night Stephen and I took Bella to the park down the street from our place and took some photos of her for her birthday invitations. I must say that my photography skills / editing skills are getting a lot better (Stephen has been teaching me a few tricks on photo shop). While we were at the park I just kept thinking about how lucky I am to have such an amazing family. Bella is seriously the sweetest and most beautiful baby in the world - bias, I think not. To see this little 19 pound princess run around the park, yelling and pointing at everyone and everything makes me proud. Ha! She's 11 months old now, she's walking (attempting to run), saying a few words, knows who her mom and dad are,
understands "NO"...doesn't like it though :)...eats pasta for dinner, drinks out of a straw, waves bye-bye, gives kisses (on command too!)...what more can I ask for? She's the absolute best. Although, her latest trick is stomping her feet and screaming when I take something away from her - it's really kind of cute, but I have a feeling that in about 2 years, I'm not going to like it so much...
Okay, back to work I go...thank goodness today is "my Friday"...I am taking tomorrow off, and I can honestly say that I need it. I plan on spending my entire day hanging out with miss Bella Boo...who knows we might end up at the park, or heck - maybe even Disneyland! Ha, kidding - her dad would be so pissed if I took her there for the 1st time without him.